
In this area we discuss the tech we are using in the eco house. There's quite a lot of it, including:

  • SIP - structural panels which form the walls, roof and floors
  • Eco concrete
  • Photovoltaic panels and battery storage
  • Heating (including water heating)
  • MVHR - for ventilation
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • Eco paints

Note that this section is being developed


We are considering using eco concrete, a concrete which has a lower carbon footprint using blast furnace fly ash. 


The house is made of SIP. Structured Insulated Panels, which are a modern method of construction. The panels are manufactured in a factory and bought to site and assembled within a matter of days. 

Windows & Doors

For an eco house the main thermal insulation properties will come from the structure (walls, roof and floors) but the "holes" in the structure, the windows and doors clearly also need to have very good thermal insulation properties. 
The key for windows is the use of triple glazing and doors need to be constructed with materials which incorporate insulation. 

Power Generation & Storage

Unlike most commercially built houses, a key element of nearly all self-builds is power generation in particular photo voltaic panels and battery storage. 


A highly insulated house will need a relatively small amount of heating. 

Ventilation & Air Quality

MVHR - mechanical ventilation and heat recovery 

Eco paint

Water Conservation 

Use of rainwater harvesting and low flow plumbing